The Laguna Middle School Band is made up of 7th and 8th grade students. The band includes both concert and jazz band opportunities and occasionally joins the SLO High School band for joint performances. More information about the Laguna Band will be added to this site soon.
Save the Dates:
Spring Concert: May 31, 2018
Band Camp August 13-15, 2018.
Volunteer to help the band
The Laguna Band could use a volunteer to be the lead organizer for the upcoming Barnes and Noble Fundraiser as well as additional assistance the day of the event. If you are interested in organizing this event please contact Debra Barriger at as soon as possible.
Hello Band Families,
Welcome to spring semester! We have some upcoming needs and events.
Fund raising! In order for the LAMS Band to have a spring trip, we need to do some additional fundraising.
Village Host Fund Raiser on January 31, 2018 all day. Consider joining us for dinner as a group on Wednesday. Its a good time to come out and socialize with other band families from LAMS and SLOHS Bands. Have your student wear their band or Laguna shirts so the high school students can identify them. Good time to connect, eat pizza, and support the Band.
The See’s Candy Fundraiser will run February 22 through March 8. Stay tuned for more information. If you are interested in helping with this fundraiser, please let me know!
Band Vests:
Please check to make sure your student has returned their Band Vests (And Bow Ties) to school.
Helping with the Band.
As always, the Band needs and appreciates its volunteers!
Class room needs:
Right now Ms. Jeskey is in need of a couple volunteers to come into the class room and make sure all the vests have been turned in and have an inventory taken. Please let me know if you are available.
Laguna Band Shirts:
Ms. Jeskey needs one or two volunteers to help in the class with the fitting and ordering of Band T-shirts.
Also, for the Spring Trip, we will need Level 3 and Level 4 volunteers. Please consider getting your clearance now. Information can be found here.
Your clearance is good for three years, so you will be good to go for High School Marching season! Which, by the way, has been approved for PE credit! Students will receive PE waivers for Band 1A and Band 2A. This is really good news for the students.
Also, if you have not yet logged into Charms, please take the time to do so and set up your account. Information is on the Laguna Band Website as to how to do so. This is important as future emails about Band information will be generated through the Charms platform.
Thank you all,
Debra Barriger
Interested in joining the band?
There’s still time. Download the form below, print it out and send it in to change your schedule now.
Congratulations to the Honor Band selectees!
The following Laguna Middle School Band members were selected for the 2017 SLO Honor Band program sponsored by the SLO County Band Directors Association.